Leo's Flight Simulator 1 is the latest version of this free software we can download directly from the developer's website. There is no need to register or enter any information before downloading. It setups quite easily and we can immediately start to imagine we are in charge of an aircraft. Before starting the adventure, we can select the aircraft we prefer to fly from over 48 models. We can see all of them in details and read a few historic lines for each one. We can also select the airport, quality, winds,keys,clouds,gliders,dynamic scenery,Comm dialogue,etc.In the game's main interface we have the landscape above and the instrument control panel. The control panel shows the following indicators: ADF,Altimeter,Attitude indicator,Autopilot,Compass,Indicated Air Speed IAS,Navigation radios,OBS,Turn coordinator and Variometer. When the control tower personnel give his/her permission we can proceed to take off. It is possible to see the scenery from various position,i.e. inside the aircraft, outside,from the control tower, view the map, and more. We can load a previously saved situation and save on disk the actual one. It runs under Windows CE, 9x, NT,2000,XP and PocketPC OPs.
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